Elizabeth Strong

Certified Health and Wellness Coach

Hi, I’m Elizabeth, HWC


I believe everyone is the expert of themselves. In a world full of information and a health care system that is hard to navigate. Sometimes you have to look within to find what you are needing. That is where I can help. Together we can explore areas of the mind, body and spirit to bring forth your best self!!


It did start with me.

From a personal journey where I felt unheard in the medical setting, I had terrible acne in my late 20s for the first time in my life. I had gut issues and other symptoms that could not be explained. So I took to learn everything I could possibly take in. During this time I changed my mind, diet and lifestyle. It took time to figure out what worked for me, in addition I FOUND THAT I TRULY AM THE EXPERT OF ME. This way worked not only for me, but my husband as well. He had been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis for 12 years. He was taking a shot that he had to administer weekly. His rheumatologists had warned him that the RA would make life miserable, but the medicine would eventually be his demise. What else could he do but take the meds to help stop joint damage. As I made the changes for myself, I also learned ways of helping him. After many changes in his lifestyle and time he stopped his meds for 18 months. On his next visit to the rheumatologists he told the doctor, who wasn’t pleased. So suggested taking many tests to take a look at his joints in depth. The results, even to the rheumatologists disbelief, came back that he is in remission!!! Still we continue to change and find what works!

I feel like our stories is one of many who have found ways to help the MOST important aspect of being a human which is your health and wellbeing.

My dreams are to continue helping others who are ready to take the steps to help themselves discover just how beautifully amazing their mind, body are spirit is.

My Approach

THIS IS ABOUT YOU. All those areas where you feel unsure about how to get moving, or to make the change you intuitively know you need. I want you to know that you are the expert of yourself, BUT that I can help you discover that, all while making the changes you are craving. 

I use techniques such as Motivational Interviewing, Mindful Coaching, Non-violent Communication, and Appreciative Inquiry. I have an understanding in coaching psychologies, such as Social Cognitive Theory & Self Efficacy, Self Determination Theory, Transtheoretical Model of Change. I use these tools to help you align your values with motivation to make the changes you are looking for. I can work along with your health care team to bring you even more of the support you need. Change can be difficult, but together we can create a partnership for new possibilities!

133 MILLION Americans are diagnosed with one or more chronic health conditions. Many of those are directly related to lifestyle. 

Have you ever left a doctor's office with a prescription and the message to eat better and exercise? To deal with a condition or chronic disease? BUT what does that even mean for YOU??

How do you know what the NEXT STEPS are? 

That’s where I can HELP!!!


What steps are needed to get to wellness

Create it

How can you achieve wellness

Dream it

What do you want for yourself in wellness

Launch it

How can you start? Take action and start something new


Highlight your accomplishments of goals and success

Grow it

How can you continue your journey into wellness